This particular is an extremely superb internet site you have going here. The situation is rather enlightening and also immediately to the point. Fired up to see another recommendation of your site the next time.
Dear Jewel,
I had to write and tell you my daughter absolutely loved your book Cinderella’s Magical Wheelchair. Paige is only 7 years old and she selected your book from the local library. We thouroughly enjoyed it. She wanted me to read it to her three times. It is such a beautiful story and even more special knowing that you have overcome challenges in your life. More people need to write books like this one. Congratulations on such a fine job.
We ordered this book as soon as we saw it! It is amazing! My daughter is 6 years old and we created a Facebook Page to find other Vitiligo children for her to befriend. This story is something that she will be able to share and talk about! Her twin sister couldn’t wait to start reading it over again once we got to the end! Well done!! Thank you!!
This particular is an extremely superb internet site you have going here. The situation is rather enlightening and also immediately to the point. Fired up to see another recommendation of your site the next time.
Dear Jewel,
I had to write and tell you my daughter absolutely loved your book Cinderella’s Magical Wheelchair. Paige is only 7 years old and she selected your book from the local library. We thouroughly enjoyed it. She wanted me to read it to her three times. It is such a beautiful story and even more special knowing that you have overcome challenges in your life. More people need to write books like this one. Congratulations on such a fine job.
Katy and Paige Andries
in Louisiana
We ordered this book as soon as we saw it! It is amazing! My daughter is 6 years old and we created a Facebook Page to find other Vitiligo children for her to befriend. This story is something that she will be able to share and talk about! Her twin sister couldn’t wait to start reading it over again once we got to the end! Well done!! Thank you!!
Hello Jewel!
You are a beautiful person inside and out and I wish you the best of luck and I want to congratulate you for being so unique and inspiring!